1. What electronic resources are available to me?

The Library subscribes to over  25781 ejournals, 121272+ ebooks and 40 edatabases. All our electronic resources are listed on the Library Web Portal. Check  subject guide to see resources for your department.

2. How do I borrow books from Library?

You will need your University ID card.  The  Library provide self checkout machine to enable you to borrow books quickly and conveniently.  The Self-checkout machine is located on the Ground Floor of the Library.

3. How Do I Find Books?

Use the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) to search for books - you can enter any combination of author surnames, key words or words from the title.

See our video tutorial

4. How many books can I borrow from Library?

Sl.No. Category Eligibility Loan Period
1. Faculty 10 End of Semester
2. Research Scholars 6 28 Days
3. Post Graduate Students 4 28 Days
4. Post Graduate(Integrated) Students 4 28 Days
5. Officers 6 28 Days
6. Non-Teaching Staff 2 28 Days
7. Temporary Members Nil

Click here for more information.

5. How much will the fine be on my overdue Book(s)?

  • 01-15 days  -  Rs. 0.50 per day 
  • 16-30 days    -   Rs. 1.00 per day
  • 31st day onwards  -  Rs. 5.00 per day

6. When is the library open?

The library is opened through out the year except six Public Holidays.

Week days - 8.30 a.m. - 8.30 p.m.

Week ends - 9.30 a.m. - 5.30 p.m.

Examination period - 8.30 a.m. to 10 p.m.

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