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Ananda Rangapillai Library                     
Pondicherry University

Library Liaison Officers

Ananda Rangapillai Library is delighted to broadcast a novel Academic Learning, Research and Teaching support service, “Library Liaison Officers,” for each school. The motto of this service is to provide influential academic andresearch support to the Pondicherry University community like teaching faculty, administrative staff, research scholars and students.

Why Pondicherry University needs School/Subject Specific Liaison Library Officer?
Subject special Library liaison officers provide a range of services that focus on a particular area or discipline. The subject-specific library liaison officer will serve as a catalyst or interface between the Library and schools community in this capacity. They initiate the selection and acquisition of resources for the collections, provide subject-specific instruction in using information resources, and provide reference and referral services in general and specialized research areas.

Some of the advantages of having School Library Liaison Officers will be:

• Orientation/awareness programs for specific research areas and their online resources
• User’s guide to the services and collections of the library
• Available for research consultations and hands-on class instruction sessions
• Staff to contact with suggestions to build the collection development.
• Subject specialists within their subject areas.
• Reference queries are handled thoroughly.
• Referral Services from other institutes and universities within and outside India

School-specific Library Liaison Officers:





Library Liaison Officer & Contact details


Ramanujan School of Mathematical Sciences

  1. Department of Statistics
  2. Department of Mathematics

Shri. M. Saraswati Rao
Professional Assistant

Email: msrao.lib@pondiuni.edu.in
Phone: 0413-2654282


School of Education &
Madanjeet School of Green Energy Technologies

  1. School of Education
  2. Centre for Adult and Continuing Education
  3. Centre for Nano Sciences & Technology
  4. Department of Green Energy Technology

Smt. A. Uma Swarna Manjari
Professional Assistant

Email: manjariram.lib@pondiuni.edu.in
Phone: 0413-2654287


School of Engineering & Technology

  1. Centre for Pollution Control and Environmental Engineering
  2. Department of Computer Science
  3. Department of Computer Science, Karaikal Campus
  4. Department of Electronics Engineering

Shri. K. Palanivel
Systems Analyst

Email: kpalanivel.cce@pondiuni.edu.in
Phone: 0413-2654279


School of Humanities

  1. Centre for Foreign Language
  2. Department of Physical Education and Sports
  3. Department of Philosophy
  4. Department of Sanskrit
  5. Department of Hindi
  6. Department of French
  7. Department of English
  8. Escande Chair in Asian Christian Studies

Shri. K.T. Naheem
Professional Assistant

Email: naheem.lib@pondiuni.edu.in
Phone: 0413-2654284


School of Law

  1. School of Law

Dr.P. Vijayakumar
Assistant Librarian

Email: vijay.lib@pondiuni.edu.in
Phone: 0413-2654289


School of Life Science

  1. Department of Bioinformatics
  2. Department of Microbiology
  3. Department of Food Science and Technology
  4. Department of Ocean Studies and Marine Biology
  5. Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
  6. Department of Biotechnology
  7. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Shri. A. Abdul Rasheed
Professional Assistant

Email: rasheeddmkm@gmail.com
Phone: 0413-2654286


School of Management

  1. Department of Management Studies Port Blair Campus
  2. Department of Commerce – Karaikal Campus
  3. Department of Management Studies – Karaikal Campus
  4. Department of International Business
  5. Department of Banking Technology
  6. Department of Tourism Studies
  7. Department of Economics
  8. Department of Commerce
  9. Department of Management Studies

Dr. K.M. Shibu
Assistant Librarian

Email: shibukm.lib@pondiuni.edu.in
Phone: 0413-2654282


School of Media and Communication

  1. Department of Electronic Media and Mass Communication
  2. Department of Library and Information Science

Shri. C. Suresh
Professional Assistant

Email: suresh.lib@pondiuni.edu.in
Phone: 0413-2654286


School of Medical Sciences

  1. School of Medical Sciences

Dr. M. Vijayakumar
University Librarian

Email: librarian@pondiuni.edu.in
Phone: 0413-2654205


School of Performing Arts

  1. Department of Performing Arts

Shri. N. Bakthavachalu
Professional Assistant

Email: baktha.lib@pondiuni.edu.in
Phone: 0413-2654278


School of Physical, Chemical and Applied Sciences

  1. Department of Coastal Disaster Management
  2. Department of Applied Psychology
  3. Department of Earth Sciences
  4. Department of Chemistry
  5. Department of Physics

Dr.P. Vijayakumar
Assistant Librarian

Email: vijay.lib@pondiuni.edu.in
Phone: 0413-2654289


School of Social Sciences and International Studies

  1. Centre for Maritime Studies
  2. Centre for European Studies
  3. Centre for Study of Social Exclusion & Inclusive Policy
  4. UMISARC – Centre for South Asian Studies
  5. Centre for Women’s Studies
  6. Department of Social Work
  7. Department of Politics and International Studies
  8. Department of History
  9. Department of Sociology
  10. Department of Anthropology

Dr.P. Vijayakumar
Assistant Librarian

Email: vijay.lib@pondiuni.edu.in
Phone: 0413-2654289


Subramania Bharathi School of Tamil Language & Literature

  1. Subramania Bharathi School of Tamil Language & Literature

Dr.P. Vijayakumar
Assistant Librarian

Email: vijay.lib@pondiuni.edu.in
Phone: 0413-2654289
