Pondicherry University
SciFinder provides easy access to Chemical Abstracts databases containing the most comprehensive collection of scientific literature, patents, substances and reactions since 1907.
SciFinder is operated by Chemical Abstracts, Columbus, Ohio (USA) which is the sole authority that assigns CAS Registry Numbers to new substances. SciFinder is updated with 15,000 new substances daily!
SciFinder covers 10,500 journals and patents from 63 issuing authorities (including India), more than 67 million single/multi step reactions, more than 74 million organic/inorganic substances and more than 64 million bio-sequences. (Web site - http://www.cas.org/products/scifindr/index.html )
SciFinder covers multi-disciplinary research areas such as Chemistry, Biotechnology, Metallurgy, Pharmacy, Engineering, Physics, Polymers etc.