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Pondicherry University
Literature(VSIO) ( 72 Title(s) )
1   American Poetry
      Author : Caplan
2   Autobiography
      Author : Marcus
3   Barthes
      Author : Jonathan Culler
4   Bestsellers
      Author : John Sutherland
5   Biography
      Author : Hermione Lee
6   C. S. Lewis
      Author : Como
7   Charles Dickens
      Author : Hartley
8   Children's Literature
      Author : Kimberley Reynolds
9   Chinese Literature
      Author : Sabina Knight
10   Classical Literature
      Author : Allan
11   Classics
      Author : John Henderson; Mary Beard
12   Colonial Latin American Literature
      Author : Rolena Adorno
13   Comedy
      Author : Matthew Bevis
14   Comparative Literature
      Author : Hutchinson
15   Contemporary Fiction
      Author : Robert Eaglestone
16   Crime Fiction
      Author : Bradford
17   Dada and Surrealism
      Author : David Hopkins
18   Dante
      Author : Hainsworth & Robey
19   Decadence
      Author : Weir
20   Dictionaries
      Author : Lynda Mugglestone
21   Emile Zola
      Author : Nelson
22   English Literature
      Author : Jonathan Bate
23   Fairy Tale
      Author : Warner
24   French Literature
      Author : John D. Lyons
25   Geoffrey Chaucer
      Author : Wallace
26   George Bernard Shaw
      Author : Wixson
27   German Literature
      Author : Nicholas Boyle
28   Goethe
      Author : Robertson
29   Henry James
      Author : Mizruchi
30   Herodotus
      Author : Jennifer T. Roberts
31   Homer
      Author : Graziosi
32   Horror
      Author : Darryl
33   Italian Literature
      Author : David Robey; Peter Hainsworth
34   James Joyce
      Author : MacCabe
35   Jewish Literature
      Author : Stavans
36   Kafka
      Author : Ritchie Robertson
37   Languages
      Author : Stephen R. Anderson
38   Leo Tolstoy
      Author : Knapp
39   Linguistics
      Author : P. H. Matthews
40   Literary Theory
      Author : Jonathan Culler
41   Marquis de Sade
      Author : John Phillips
42   Medieval Literature
      Author : Treharne
43   Modern Latin American Literature
      Author : Roberto Gonzalez Echevarria
44   Modernism
      Author : Christopher Butler
45   Multilingualism
      Author : Maher
46   Myth
      Author : Segal
47   Myth
      Author : Robert A. Segal
48   Native American Literature
      Author : Teuton
49   Ovid
      Author : Morgan
50   Poetry
      Author : O'Donoghue
51   Postcolonialism
      Author : Young
52   Postcolonialism
      Author : Robert J. C. Young
53   Reading
      Author : Jack
54   Rhetoric
      Author : Richard Toye
55   Romanticism
      Author : Michael Ferber
56   Russian Literature
      Author : Catriona Kelly
57   Science Fiction
      Author : David Seed
58   Shakespeare's Comedies
      Author : van Es
59   Shakespeare's Sonnets and Poems
      Author : Post
60   Shakespeare's Tragedies
      Author : Wells
61   Slang
      Author : Green
62   Sociolinguistics
      Author : John Edwards
63   Spanish Literature
      Author : Jo Labanyi
64   The Beats
      Author : David Sterritt
65   The English Language
      Author : Horobin
66   The Gothic
      Author : Nick Groom
67   The Short Story
      Author : Kahn
68   Tragedy
      Author : Adrian Poole
69   Translation
      Author : Reynolds
70   Voltaire
      Author : Cronk
71   William Shakespeare
      Author : Wells
72   Writing and Script
      Author : Andrew Robinson