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Pondicherry University
Maths 2 Applied Maths Collection ( 99 Title(s) )
1   A First Course in Combinatorial Optimization
      Author : Lee,Jon
2   A Guide to MATLAB?
      Author : Hunt,Brian R.; Lipsman,Ronald L.; Rosenberg,Jonathan M.; Coombes,Kevin R.; Osborn, John E.; Stuck,Garrett J.
3   A Relativist's Toolkit
      Author : Poisson, Eric
4   A Short Introduction to Quantum Information and Quantum Computation
      Author : Le Bellac,Michel
5   An Introduction to General Relativity and Cosmology
      Author : Plebanski,Jerzy;Krasinski, Andrzej
6   An Introduction to Mathematical Cosmology
      Author : Islam,J. N.
7   An Introduction to Parallel and Vector Scientific Computing
      Author : Shonkwiler,Ronald W.;Lefton, Lew
8   Automata Theory with Modern Applications
      Author : Anderson,James A.
9   Automatic Sequences
      Author : Allouche,Jean-Paul ; Shallit,Jeffrey
10   Bayesian Logical Data Analysis for the Physical Sciences
      Author : Gregory,Phil
11   Closure Strategies for Turbulent and Transitional Flows
      Author : Launder, B. E.; Sandham,N. D.
12   Coding Theory
      Author : Ling,San;Xing, Chaoping
13   Collocation Methods for Volterra Integral and Related Functional Differential Equations
      Author : Brunner,Hermann
14   Complex Variables
      Author : Ablowitz,Mark J. ; Fokas, Athanassios S.
15   Complexity and Cryptography
      Author : Talbot,John; Welsh, Dominic
16   Consistent Quantum Theory
      Author : Griffiths,Robert B.
17   Curve and Surface Reconstruction
      Author : Dey,Tamal K.
18   Deterministic Observation Theory and Applications
      Author : Gauthier,Jean-Paul ; Kupka, Ivan
19   Dicing with Death
      Author : Senn,Stephen
20   Differential Equations
      Author : King,A. C. ; Billingham, J.;Otto, S. R.
21   Elementary Probability
      Author : Stirzaker,David
22   Essentials of Statistical Inference
      Author : Young,G. A. ; Smith,R. L.
23   Financial Engineering and Computation
      Author : Lyuu Yuh-Dauh
24   Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems
      Author : LeVeque,Randall J.
25   Flexagons Inside Out
      Author : Pook,Les
26   From Classical to Quantum Mechanics
      Author : Esposito, Giampiero; Marmo, Giuseppe; Sudarshan, George
27   Functional Analysis for Probability and Stochastic Processes
      Author : Bobrowski,Adam
28   General Relativity
      Author : Ludvigsen,Malcolm
29   General Relativity
      Author : Hobson, M. P.; Efstathiou,G. P.; Lasenby,A. N.
30   Generalized Riemann Problems in Computational Fluid Dynamics
      Author : Artzi,Ben ; Matania; Falcovitz,Joseph
31   Global Methods for Combinatorial Isoperimetric Problems
      Author : Harper,L. H.
32   Gravitational N-Body Simulations
      Author : Aarseth,Sverre J.
33   Gravitational Radiation, Luminous Black Holes, and Gamma-Ray Burst Supernovae
      Author : Maurice,H. P. M. van Putten
34   Gravitational Solitons
      Author : Belinski, E. Verdaguer
35   Harmonic maps, conservation laws and moving frames
      Author : H?lein,Fr?d?ric
36   High-Order Methods for Incompressible Fluid Flow
      Author : Deville,M. O.; Fischer,P. F.;Mund,E. H.
37   Introduction to Dynamical Systems
      Author : Brin,Michael; Stuck,Garrett
38   Irresistible Integrals
      Author : Boros,George;Moll, Victor
39   Iterative Krylov Methods for Large Linear Systems
      Author : Henk A.; Vorst, van der
40   L?vy Processes and Stochastic Calculus
      Author : Applebaum,David
41   Large-Eddy Simulations of Turbulence
      Author : Lesieur,M.; M?tais,O.; Comte, P.
42   Learning Theory: An Approximation Theory Viewpoint
      Author : Felipe Cucker, Ding Xuan Zhou
43   Linear Elastic Waves
      Author : Harris,John G.
44   Linear Water Waves
      Author : Kuznetsov, N. ; Maz'ya, V.; Vainberg,B.
45   Logit Models from Economics and Other Fields
      Author : Cramer,J. S.
46   Longitudinal and Panel Data
      Author : Frees,Edward W.
47   Market-Valuation Methods in Life and Pension Insurance
      Author : M?ller,Thomas; Steffensen, Mogens
48   Markov Processes, Gaussian Processes, and Local Times
      Author : Michael, B. Jay Rosen,Marcus
49   Mathematical Methods for Physicists
      Author : Chow,Tai L.
50   Mathematical Modeling in Continuum Mechanics
      Author : Temam,Roger ; Miranville, Alain
51   Mathematical Models in Biology
      Author : Allman,Elizabeth S.; Rhodes, John A.
52   Mathematics of Genome Analysis
      Author : Percus,Jerome K.
53   Matrix Preconditioning Techniques and Applications
      Author : Chen,Ke
54   Measure Theory and Filtering
      Author : Aggoun,Lakhdar; Elliott,Robert J.
55   Mechanics of Composite Structures
      Author : Koll?r,L?szl? P. ; Springer, George S.
56   Mechanics of Solids and Materials
      Author : Asaro,Robert ; Lubarda,Vlado
57   Non-linear dynamics and statistical theories for basic geophysical flows
      Author : Majda,Andrew ; Wang, Xiaoming
58   Nonlinear Analysis and Semilinear Elliptic Problems
      Author : Ambrosetti,Antonio; Malchiodi,Andrea
59   Nonlinear Time Series Analysis
      Author : Kantz,Holger ; Schreiber, Thomas
60   Optimization Methods in Finance
      Author : Cornuejols,Gerard; Reha Tutuncu
61   Physical Foundations of Cosmology
      Author : Mukhanov ,Viatcheslav
62   Practical Extrapolation Methods
      Author : Sidi ,Avram
63   Prediction of Turbulent Flows
      Author : Hewitt, Geoff;Vassilicos, Christos
64   Problems and Solutions in Quantum Mechanics
      Author : Tamvakis, Kyriakos
65   Quantum Gravity
      Author : Rovelli, Carlo
66   Quantum Groups
      Author : Ross, Street
67   Quantum Physics
      Author : Rae,Alastair I. M.
68   Quantum Stochastic Processes and Noncommutative Geometry
      Author : Sinha,Kalyan B.; Goswami Debashish
69   Radial Basis Functions: Theory and Implementations
      Author : Buhmann,Martin D.
70   Random Dynamical Systems
      Author : Bhattacharya Rabi; Majumdar Mukul
71   Random Fragmentation and Coagulation Processes
      Author : Bertoin, Jean
72   Real Analysis and Probability
      Author : Dudley,R. M.
73   Relativity
      Author : Stephani, Hans
74   Scattered Data Approximation
      Author : Wendland, Holger
75   Schwarz?Christoffel Mapping
      Author : DriscollTobin, A.; Trefethen Lloyd N.
76   Semiparametric Regression
      Author : David Ruppert, M. P. Wand; Carroll, R. J.
77   Sets for Mathematics
      Author : William Lawvere,F. ; Rosebrugh,Robert
78   Simulating Hamiltonian Dynamics
      Author : Leimkuhler,Benedict; Reich Sebastian
79   Soliton Equations and Their Algebro-Geometric Solutions
      Author : Gesztesy,Fritz ; Holden, Helge
80   Solving ODEs with MATLAB
      Author : Shampine,L. F.; Gladwell, I. ; Thompson, S.
81   Special Relativity
      Author : Patricia, M.; Schwarz, John H. Schwarz
82   Spectral Methods for Time-Dependent Problems
      Author : Hesthaven,Jan S.; Gottlieb,Sigal; Gottlieb,David
83   Statistical Analysis of Stochastic Processes in Time
      Author : Lindsey,J. K.
84   Statistical Mechanics of Disordered Systems
      Author : Bovier,Anton
85   Statistics for Real-Life Sample Surveys
      Author : Dorofeev,Sergey; Grant,Peter
86   Symmetries in Physics
      Author : Brading,Katherine; Castellani,Elena
87   The Cambridge Handbook of Physics Formulas
      Author : Woan,Graham
88   The Direct Method in Soliton Theory
      Author : Hirota, Ryogo
89   The Geometry of Efficient Fair Division
      Author : Barbanel,Julius B.
90   The Mathematical Foundations of Mixing
      Author : Sturman,Rob ; Ottino,Julio M. ; Wiggins, Stephen
91   The Shaping of Deduction in Greek Mathematics
      Author : Netz,Reviel
92   The Theory of Composites
      Author : Milton Graeme, W.
93   Theory of Solidification
      Author : Davis,Stephen H.
94   Theory of Vortex Sound
      Author : Howe,M. S.
95   Thermodynamic Formalism
      Author : Ruelle ,David
96   Topics in Finite and Discrete Mathematics
      Author : Ross, Sheldon, M.
97   Topology for Computing
      Author : Zomorodian,Afra J.
98   Turbulent Combustion
      Author : Peters ,Norbert
99   Vorticity and Incompressible Flow
      Author : Majda,Andrew J.; Bertozzi,Andrea L.