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Pondicherry University
Physics ( 108 Title(s) )
1   A Course in Modern Mathematical Physics
      Author : Szekeres,Peter
2   A Guide to Monte Carlo Simulations in Statistical Physics
      Author : Landau,David P.; Binder, Kurt
3   A Modern Approach to Critical Phenomena
      Author : Herbut,Igor
4   An Introduction to Econophysics
      Author : Mantegna, Rosario N. ;Stanley H. Eugene.
5   An Introduction to General Relativity and Cosmology
      Author : Jerzy Plebanski, Andrzej Krasinski
6   An Introduction to Mathematical Cosmology
      Author : Islam,J. N.
7   An Introduction to Uncertainty in Measurement
      Author : Kirkup,L.; Frenkel,R. B.
8   Atomic and Electronic Structure of Solids
      Author : Kaxiras,Efthimios
9   Atomic Structure and Lifetimes
      Author : Curtis,Lorenzo J.
10   Basics of Holography
      Author : Hariharan,P.
11   Biological Physics of the Developing Embryo
      Author : Forgacs,Gabor; Newman,Stuart A.
12   Bose?Einstein Condensation in Dilute Gases
      Author : Pethick,C. J.; Smith,H.
13   Characterization of High Tc Materials and Devices by Electron Microscopy
      Author : Browning,Nigel D.; Pennycook, Stephen J.
14   Classical Covariant Fields
      Author : Burgess,Mark
15   Cold and Ultracold Collisions in Quantum Microscopic and Mesoscopic Systems
      Author : Weiner,John
16   Compact Blue-Green Lasers
      Author : Risk, W. P. ;Gosnell,T. R.; Nurmikko, A. V.
17   Consistent Quantum Theory
      Author : Griffiths,Robert B.
18   D-Branes
      Author : Johnson,Clifford V.
19   Dynamics of Charged Particles and Their Radiation Field
      Author : Spohn,Herbert
20   Electromagnetic Scintillation
      Author : Wheelon,Albert D.
21   Electromagnetic Scintillation
      Author : Wheelon,Albert D.
22   Electron Correlation in Metals
      Author : Yamada,K.
23   Electron Scattering for Nuclear and Nucleon Structure
      Author : Walecka,John Dirk
24   Electronic Structure Calculations for Solids and Molecules
      Author : Kohanoff,Jorge
25   Electroweak Theory
      Author : Paschos,E. A.
26   Elements of Statistical Mechanics
      Author : Sachs,Ivo; Sen,Siddhartha; Sexton.James
27   Elements of the Random Walk
      Author : Rudnick,Joseph; Gaspari,George
28   Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Statistical Thermodynamics
      Author : Bellac,Michel Le; Mortessagne,Fabrice; Batrouni, George.G.
29   Exact Solutions of Einstein's Field Equations
      Author : Stephani,Hans; Kramer, Dietrich; MacCallum,Malcolm; Hoenselaers,Cornelius ; Herlt,Eduard
30   Figments of reality
      Author : Stewart,Ian; Cohen, Jack
31   Finite-Temperature Field Theory
      Author : Joseph I. Kapusta,Gale,Charles
32   From Classical to Quantum Mechanics
      Author : Esposito,Giampiero; Marmo,Giuseppe; Sudarshan,George
33   Functional Integration
      Author : Cartier,Pierre; DeWitt-Morette, Cecile
34   Gauge Field Theories
      Author : Pokorski,Stefan
35   General Relativity
      Author : Hobson, M. P.; Efstathiou,G. P.; Lasenby,A. N.
36   General Relativity
      Author : Ludvigsen,Malcolm
37   Geometry of Quantum States
      Author : Bengtsson,Ingemar ; Zyczkowski,Karol
38   Gravitational N-Body Simulations
      Author : Aarseth,Sverre J.
39   Gravitational Radiation, Luminous Black Holes, and Gamma-Ray Burst Supernovae
      Author : Maurice H. P.; Van Putten,M.
40   Gravitational Solitons
      Author : Belinski,V.; Verdaguer, E.
41   Gravity and Strings
      Author : Ort?n,Tom
42   Green's Functions and Ordered Exponentials
      Author : Fried,H. M.
43   Group Theoretical Methods and Applications to Molecules and Crystals
      Author : Kim,Shoon K.
44   Hadrons and Quark?Gluon Plasma
      Author : Letessier,Jean ; Rafelski ,Johann
45   Harmonic Superspace
      Author : Galperin,A. S.; Ivanov, V.E. A.; Ogievetsky, I.; Sokatchev, E. S.
46   Hidden Unity in Nature's Laws
      Author : Taylor,John C.
47   Introduction to Classical Integrable Systems
      Author : Babelon,Olivier; Bernard,Denis; Talon,Michel
48   Introduction to Quantum Optics
      Author : Harry Paul, Translated by Igor Jex
49   Introduction to Surface and Thin Film Processes
      Author : Venables,John A.
50   Introduction to the Electron Theory of Metals
      Author : Mizutani,Uichiro.
51   Introductory Computational Physics
      Author : Andi Klein, Alexander Godunov
52   Introductory Quantum Optics
      Author : Christopher Gerry, Peter Knight
53   JavaTech
      Author : Lindsey,Clark S.; Johnny S.; Tolliver, Thomas Lindblad
54   Kinks and Domain Walls
      Author : Vachaspati,Tanmay
55   L?vy Statistics and Laser Cooling
      Author : Bardou,Fran?ois ; Bouchaud,Jean-Philippe; Aspect,Alain; Cohen,Claude; Tannoudji
56   Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
      Author : Biskamp,Dieter
57   Mathematical Methods for Physicists
      Author : Chow,Tai L.
58   Methods of Contemporary Gauge Theory
      Author : Makeenko,Yuri
59   Methods of Statistical Physics
      Author : Tanaka,Tomoyasu
60   Moonshine Beyond the Monster
      Author : Gannon,Terry
61   Neutron Scattering with a Triple-Axis Spectrometer
      Author : Shirane,Gen; Shapiro, Stephen M; Tranquada John M.
62   Nonlinear Time Series Analysis
      Author : Kantz,Holger ; Schreiber,Thomas
63   Nuclear Superfluidity
      Author : Brink,David M.; Broglia,Ricardo A.
64   Optical Processes in Solids
      Author : Toyozawa Yutaka
65   Path Integrals and Anomalies in Curved Space
      Author : Bastianelli,Fiorenzo; Nieuwenhuizen Peter van
66   Patterns of Speculation
      Author : Roehner,Bertrand M.
67   Pauli's Exclusion Principle
      Author : Massimi Michela
68   Phase Transition Dynamics
      Author : Akira Onuki
69   Phonons in Nanostructures
      Author : Michael, A. ; Stroscio, Mitra Dutta
70   Physical Foundations of Cosmology
      Author : Mukhanov,Viatcheslav
71   Physical Problems Solved by the Phase-Integral Method
      Author : Fr?man, Nanny ; Fr?man,Per Olof
72   Physics in Molecular Biology
      Author : Sneppen,Kim; Zocchi,Giovanni
73   Physics meets philosophy at the Planck scale
      Author : Callender,Craig ; Huggett,Nick
74   Physics of Space Plasma Activity
      Author : Schindler,Karl
75   Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy
      Author : Freidberg,Jeffrey P.
76   Pomeron Physics and QCD
      Author : Donnachie,Sandy ; Dosch,G?nter; Landshoff, Peter;Nachtmann, Otto
77   Positron Physics
      Author : Charlton,M.; Humberston, J. W.
78   Principles of Lasers and Optics
      Author : Chang,William S. C.
79   Probability Theory
      Author : Jaynes, E. T.
80   Problems and Solutions in Quantum Mechanics
      Author : Tamvakis,Kyriakos
81   QCD as a Theory of Hadrons
      Author : Narison,Stephan
82   Quantum Field Theory in Condensed Matter Physics
      Author : Tsvelik,Alexei M.
83   Quantum Finance
      Author : Baaquie,Belal E.
84   Quantum Gravity
      Author : Rovelli,Carlo
85   Quantum Physics
      Author : Rae,Alastair I. M.
86   Quantum Theory as an Emergent Phenomenon
      Author : Adler,Stephen L.
87   Random Fields and Spin Glasses
      Author : Dominicis,Cirano De ; Giardina, Irene
88   Relativity
      Author : Stephani,Hans
89   Remarkable Physicists
      Author : James,Ioan
90   RF Photonic Technology in Optical Fiber Links
      Author : Chang, William S. C.
91   Self-Organized Biological Dynamics and Nonlinear Control
      Author : Walleczek, Jan
92   Special Relativity
      Author : Schwarz,Patricia M.; Schwarz, John H.
93   Spectrograph Design Fundamentals
      Author : James,John
94   Supersymmetry and String Theory
      Author : Dine,Michael
95   Symmetries in Physics
      Author : Brading, Katherine; Castellani,Elena
96   Synchronization
      Author : Pikovsky,Arkady; Rosenblum, Michael; Kurths,J?rgen
97   The Cambridge Handbook of Physics Formulas
      Author : Woan,Graham
98   The One-Dimensional Hubbard Model
      Author : Essler,Fabian H. L.; Frahm Holger , G?hmann,Frank ; Kl?mper, Andreas; Korepin Vladimir E.
99   The Phases of Quantum Chromodynamics
      Author : John B. Kogut, Mikhail A. Stephanov
100   The Physics of Plasmas
      Author : Boyd,T. J. M.;Sanderson, J. J.
101   The Physics of Synchrotron Radiation
      Author : Hofmann,Albert
102   The Scalar?Tensor Theory of Gravitation
      Author : Fujii,Yasunori ; Maeda, Kei ichi
103   The Theory of Complex Angular Momenta
      Author : Gribov,V. N.
104   Theory of Financial Risk and Derivative Pricing
      Author : Bouchaud, Jean-Philippe ; Potters,Marc
105   Topological Solitons
      Author : Manton,Nicholas ;Sutcliffe, Paul
106   Uncertain Science ? Uncertain World
      Author : Pollack,Henry N.
107   Variational Principles and Methods in Theoretical Physics and Chemistry
      Author : Nesbet,Robert K.
108   Weak Scale Supersymmetry
      Author : Baer,Howard ; Tata, Xerxes