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The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education JSTOR
The Journal of Business JSTOR
The Journal of Business of the University of Chicago JSTOR
The Journal of California Anthropology JSTOR
The Journal of Chemical Physics American Institute of Physics
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics Elsevier
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics ScienceDirect
The Journal of Classroom Interaction JSTOR
The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics Springer Link
The Journal of Comparative Neurology Wiley Blackwell
The Journal of Conflict Resolution JSTOR
The Journal of Consciousness Studies (Print + Online)
The Journal of Creative Behavior Wiley Blackwell
The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (1973-) JSTOR
The Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police Science JSTOR
The Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts JSTOR
The Journal of Developing Areas JSTOR
The Journal of Developing Areas Project Muse
The Journal of Development Studies Taylor and Francis Journals
The Journal of East Asian Affairs JSTOR
The Journal of Economic Abstracts JSTOR
The Journal of Economic Asymmetries ScienceDirect
The Journal of Economic Education JSTOR
The Journal of Economic History JSTOR
The Journal of Economic Inequality Springer Link
The Journal of Economic Perspectives JSTOR
The Journal of Education JSTOR
The Journal of Educational Research JSTOR
The Journal of Educational Sociology JSTOR
The Journal of Educational Thought (JET) / Revue de la Pensée Éducative JSTOR
The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology JSTOR
The Journal of English and Germanic Philology JSTOR
The Journal of Ethics JSTOR
The Journal of Ethics Springer Link
The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology Wiley Blackwell
The Journal of Experimental Education JSTOR
The Journal of Experimental Zoology Wiley Blackwell
The Journal of Finance JSTOR
The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis JSTOR
The Journal of Financial Research Wiley Blackwell
The Journal of Forensic Practice Emerald
The Journal of Futures Markets Wiley Blackwell
The Journal of General Education JSTOR
The Journal of General Education Project Muse
The Journal of Geology JSTOR
The Journal of Geometric Analysis Springer Link
The Journal of Germanic Philology JSTOR
The Journal of Hellenic Studies JSTOR
The Journal of Higher Education JSTOR
The Journal of Higher Education Project Muse

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