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International Review of Education / Internationale Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft / Revue Internationale de l'Education JSTOR
International Review of Financial Analysis Elsevier
International Review of Financial Analysis ScienceDirect
International Review of Hydrobiology Wiley Blackwell
International Review of Law and Economics Elsevier
International Review of Law and Economics ScienceDirect
International Review of Law Computers & Technology Taylor and Francis Journals
International Review of Mission Wiley Blackwell
International Review of Modern Sociology JSTOR
International Review of Music Aesthetics and Sociology JSTOR
International Review of Qualitative Research JSTOR
International Review of Qualitative Research SAGE Research Methods Subject Collection
International Review of Social History Cambridge University Press
International Review of Sociology JSTOR
International Review of Sociology Taylor and Francis Journals
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology Taylor and Francis Journals
International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music JSTOR
International Review of the Red Cross Cambridge University Press
International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing Springer Link
International Reviews in Physical Chemistry Taylor and Francis Journals
International Security JSTOR
International Security Project Muse
International Small Business Journal Sage
International Small Business Journal SAGE Management and Organization Studies Subject Collection
International Social Science Journal Wiley Blackwell
International Social Science Review JSTOR
International Social Security Review Wiley Blackwell
International Social Work (Print + Online )
International Statistical Review Wiley Blackwell
International Statistical Review / Revue Internationale de Statistique JSTOR
International Studies in Sociology of Education Taylor and Francis Journals
International Studies in the Philosophy of Science Taylor and Francis Journals
International Studies of Management & Organization JSTOR
International Studies Perspectives Oxford University Press
International Studies Perspectives Wiley Blackwell
International Studies Quarterly JSTOR
International Studies Quarterly Oxford University Press
International Studies Quarterly Wiley Blackwell
International Studies Review JSTOR
International Studies Review Oxford University Press
International Studies Review Wiley Blackwell
International Supplement to the Women's Studies Quarterly JSTOR
International Tax and Public Finance Springer Link
International Transactions in Operational Research Wiley Blackwell
International Urogynecology Journal Springer Link
International Urology and Nephrology Springer Link
International Zoo Yearbook Wiley Blackwell
Internationale Revue Fur Soziale Sicherheit Wiley Blackwell
Internationale Schulbuchforschung JSTOR
Internationaler phytopathologischer Dienst JSTOR

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