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Journal of Property Research Taylor and Francis Journals
Journal of Property, Planning and Environmental Law prev. International Journal of Law in the Built Environment Emerald
Journal of Prosthodontics Wiley Blackwell
Journal of Proteome Research American Chemical Society
Journal of Proteomics Elsevier
Journal of Proteomics ScienceDirect
Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications Springer Link
Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care Cambridge University Press
Journal of Psychiatric Research Elsevier
Journal of Psychiatric Research ScienceDirect
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research Springer Link
Journal Of Psychological Issues In Organizational Culture Wiley Blackwell
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment Springer Link
Journal of Psychosocial Research (Print + Online) Print plus Online
Journal of Psychosomatic Research Elsevier
Journal of Psychosomatic Research ScienceDirect
Journal of Public Administration Education JSTOR
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory Oxford University Press
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory: J-PART JSTOR
Journal of Public Affairs Wiley Blackwell
Journal of Public Affairs Education JSTOR
Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management Emerald
Journal of Public Economic Theory Wiley Blackwell
Journal of Public Economics Elsevier
Journal of Public Economics ScienceDirect
Journal of Public Health Oxford University Press
Journal of Public Health Springer Link
Journal of Public Health Dentistry Wiley Blackwell
Journal of Public Health Policy JSTOR
Journal of Public Mental Health Emerald
Journal of Public Policy Cambridge University Press
Journal of Public Policy JSTOR
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing JSTOR
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing SAGE Management and Organization Studies Subject Collection
Journal of Public Procurement Emerald
Journal of Public Relations Research Taylor and Francis Journals
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra Elsevier
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra ScienceDirect
Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering Emerald
Journal of Quantitative Criminology JSTOR
Journal of Quantitative Criminology Springer Link
Journal of Quantitative Linguistics Taylor and Francis Journals
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer Elsevier
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer ScienceDirect
Journal of Quaternary Science Wiley Blackwell
Journal of Qur'anic Studies JSTOR
Journal of Radiation Oncology Springer Link
Journal of Radio & Audio Media Taylor and Francis Journals
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry Springer Link
Journal of Radiological Protection Institute of Physics

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