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Pondicherry University
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New England Review and Bread Loaf Quarterly JSTOR
New Forests Springer Link
new formations: a journal of culture/theory/politics Project Muse
New Generation Computing Springer Link
New Genetics and Society Taylor and Francis Journals
New Geographical Literature and Maps JSTOR
New German Critique JSTOR
New Hibernia Review Project Muse
New Hibernia Review / Iris Éireannach Nua JSTOR
New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development (Electronic) Wiley Blackwell
New Ideas in Psychology Elsevier
New Ideas in Psychology ScienceDirect
New Journal of chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry
New Journal of Physics Institute of Physics
New Labor Forum JSTOR
New Labor Forum Project Muse
New Literary History JSTOR
New Literary History Project Muse
New Mexico Anthropologist JSTOR
New Perspectives Quarterly Wiley Blackwell
New Phytologist Wiley Blackwell
New Political Economy Taylor and Francis Journals
New Political Science Taylor and Francis Journals
New Review of Academic Librarianship Taylor and Francis Journals
New Review of Children's Literature and Librarianship Taylor and Francis Journals
New Review of Film and Television Studies Taylor and Francis Journals
New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia Taylor and Francis Journals
New Review of Information Networking Taylor and Francis Journals
New Technology, Work and Employment Wiley Blackwell
New Testament Studies Cambridge University Press
New Theatre Quarterly Cambridge University Press
New York History JSTOR
New York History Project Muse
New Zealand Geographer Wiley Blackwell
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research Taylor and Francis Journals
New Zealand Journal of Botany Taylor and Francis Journals
New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science Taylor and Francis Journals
New Zealand Journal of Ecology JSTOR
New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies Springer Link
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics Taylor and Francis Journals
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research Taylor and Francis Journals
New Zealand Journal of Zoology Taylor and Francis Journals
New Zealand Slavonic Journal JSTOR
Newman Studies Journal Project Muse
News Bulletin (Institute of Pacific Relations) JSTOR
News for the General Practitioner JSTOR
News-O-Gram (American Bar Association. Section of Insurance, Negligence, and Compensation Law) JSTOR
Newsletter (African Music Society) JSTOR
Newsletter (Association for Israel Studies) JSTOR
Newsletter (Association of American Library Schools) JSTOR

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